BEAUTIFUL LEMONGRASS GROW IT IN A POT and then you can use it any time you like


Why does PRISM measure behaviour not personality? A critical difference between behaviour and personality is that your personality is essentially fixed at an early age and after that you can’t really change it. But although you are what you are and you can’t change your personality, you can change what you do, your behaviour.  It’s […]

YOU HAVE A RIGHT TO A POLITICAL OPINION & TO SPEAK FAIRLY & TRANSPARENTLY PRO-TIPS FOR PROFESSIONALS WHO FEEL THEY CANNOT SPEAK ON PALESTINE: This is my PSA regarding gaslighting and suppression of speech at this moment in history. If you have an acquaintance, friend, colleague, mentor, boss, whoever… a person attempting to gaslight you into doubting your honest, moral response to the genocide in Palestine… if they […]

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