Creating a training video requires careful planning and consideration to ensure it effectively conveys the intended information to the audience.

Here’s our top ten list of things to consider when creating a training video:

  1. Define clear objectives: Start by outlining the goals and objectives of the training video. What do you want the audience to learn or achieve after watching it? Having a clear focus will guide the content creation process. It’s important to align your objectives with organisational or business goals. The outcomes should be measurable, so that you can later establish if your objectives have been met. These could include increased knowledge, improved performance, or a change in behaviour.
  2. Know your audience: Understand your target audience’s knowledge level, learning preferences, and potential challenges. Tailor the content and delivery to suit their needs and ensure maximum engagement. This understanding enables you to pitch the content at an appropriate difficulty level, avoiding confusion or boredom. Additionally, be aware of potential challenges that your audience might face, such as language barriers, cultural differences, or technical limitations. Tailor the content and delivery to address these challenges and ensure accessibility for all learners. This audience-centric approach results in a training video that effectively resonates with and empowers the viewers to learn and grow.
  3. Script and storyboard: Develop a well-structured script that covers the key points you want to convey. Create a storyboard to visualise the flow of the video and plan the visual elements, such as graphics, animations, and demonstrations.Be mindful that training content might require updates or revisions over time. The content should be flexible enough to accommodate changes in technology, best practices, or industry standards.
  4. Keep it concise: Respect your audience’s time by delivering the content concisely. Avoid unnecessary tangents and keep the video at an appropriate length, common theory says that you should be kept short to retain engagement and so should aim to be between 2 – 5 minutes. However, sometimes the amount of content dictates that this is not possible, so in some cases you may need to make the video longer, and 15 – 20 minutes is not uncommon, depending on the complexity of the subject. Some might baulk at the idea of training videos being longer than 2 – 5 minutes, but don’t forget, we all have happily watched documentaries that can last up to an hour in length.
  5. Use visuals effectively: Incorporate relevant visuals, such as diagrams, charts, and videos, to enhance understanding and retention. Visual aids can make complex topics easier to grasp. For instance, if your video uses a presenter, it can be useful to show graphics and data, much like on a television news broadcast. When integrating visuals, ensure they are directly relevant to the content and reinforce the key points. Strive for clarity and simplicity, avoiding visual clutter that might distract or overwhelm learners. By leveraging visuals effectively, you transform the training video into an engaging and impactful learning experience.
  6. Audio quality and clarity: Poor audio can ruin the viewing experience. Invest in a decent microphone and ensure clear and consistent audio throughout the video. Use subtitles wherever possible to make the content more accessible and also ensure that people that watch the video with no sound for whatever reason, can still follow the content.
  7. Engage with storytelling: Weave the training content into a compelling narrative or story to capture the viewers’ attention and make the information more relatable and memorable. A well-crafted narrative structure can guide learners through the training, making complex concepts more relatable and understandable. Personal anecdotes, case studies, or fictional scenarios can illustrate real-world applications and the relevance of the information being presented.Additionally, storytelling keeps the audience invested, maintaining their interest throughout the video. It creates an immersive learning environment, where learners become active participants in the journey of acquiring knowledge or skills. As a result, the training video becomes a powerful tool for effective learning and impactful communication.
  8. Include examples: To reinforce learning, provide real-world examples, which will help learners connect the learning content in the video to their own experience and understanding. It’s also helpful to encourage viewers to apply the knowledge they’ve gained from the video, by prompting them with ‘takeaway’ questions or statements.
  9. Test and gather feedback: Before releasing the final version, test the training video with a small group and gather feedback. Use this feedback to make necessary improvements and adjustments.
  10. Accessibility and compatibility: Ensure that the video can be accessed on different devices and platforms. Use accessible video formats and provide subtitles and transcripts for viewers with hearing impairments.

By following these guidelines, you can create an engaging and effective training video that successfully imparts knowledge and skills to your audience.

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