Where are the leaders

WESTERN STYLE does not translate to other cultures

No EI SI or CI

Forget the AI they have not understood that yet

Beyond Mere Competence: 9 Traits of Truly Remarkable Leaders |

Many managers are competent–they make good decisions, delegate tasks effectively, and keep things running. But a select few rise above “good enough” to become truly remarkable leaders, inspiring their teams and leaving a lasting impact. What sets them apart? It’s not just one quality, but a powerful blend of nine essential traits:

1. Taking ownership.

True accountability starts at the top of the organization. Remarkable leaders hold themselves and everyone accountable for performance. They follow up, monitor progress, and provide timely feedback–both good and bad. When things go well, they praise all those involved. And when problems arise, they address them swiftly and work with their people to find solutions.

2. Projecting confidence.

The best leaders project confidence, not arrogance. When leaders are confident, their people gain confidence as well–it rubs off on them. When challenged, leaders stand firm, knowing their decisions are well-informed. Yet, they embrace humility, readily admitting mistakes and adapting to changing situations when needed.

3. Fueling positivity.

Remarkable leaders are living, breathing batteries of positive energy. Their communication is consistently clear, uplifting, and solution-oriented. They avoid negativity and pessimism, instead encouraging collaboration and teamwork for peak performance.

4. Understanding the landscape.

Great leaders don’t just manage, they lead, and they understand the difference between the two. This awareness drives their communication, actions, and overall image as a leader. In addition, they remain approachable while maintaining an objective perspective on the organization’s needs.

5. Being decisive.

Making tough decisions is a leader’s responsibility–it’s part of the job. And while every call will not be popular, extraordinary leaders understand that sometimes difficult choices must be made. They possess the firmness and authority to act when needed, but also know that collaboration should always be the baseline behavior–getting the full engagement of their people.

6. Leading with empathy.

The best leaders are masters of the public-praise, private-critique approach. They guide employees through challenges, genuinely concerned about their well-being and focused on their long-term success. They avoid blame games and instead seek constructive solutions, keeping the team moving forward.

7. Exuding integrity.

Integrity, honesty, and transparency are cornerstones of true leadership. Great leaders treat everyone with respect, upholding honesty, effort, and reliability as core values. Their unwavering integrity leaves no room for doubt–they walk the talk, not just talk it.

8. Exercising foresight and focus.

Remarkable leaders are both planners and organizers. They envision multiple scenarios, consider options, and strategize for success. They establish clear goals, processes, and routines that ensure the highest levels of performance are achievable and measurable. They communicate plans effectively and have backup options for the inevitable surprises (which always seem to be right around the corner).

9. Inspiring others.

Put it all together, and you have a truly inspiring leader–someone who motivates everyone to do their best and to be their best. They communicate clearly and frequently, setting high but achievable goals. They provide the support, tools, and freedom needed for each team member to thrive.

Becoming a remarkable leader isn’t easy, but the rewards are tremendous. Embrace these nine qualities, and you’ll not only be managing, but you’ll be leading the way to a truly exceptional team and organization.

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